August 27, 2021

Breadcrumbing, Stashing & 4 other Dating Terms that Might save you from Heartbreak.


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I know, I know. Dating terms are just…terms.

Anyone can come up with a random word and link it to a particular situation.

And of course, we don’t have to buy into it or use it, but, at the end of the day, these exact words teach us abundantly. They open our minds to new possibilities, which could save us from unnecessary heartbreak.

For me, seeing a term everywhere on the internet doesn’t mean I shouldn’t learn more about it. Recently, most of us have probably heard dating terms everywhere. While you might think they’re idiotic, I think they’re necessary.

I spent many years thinking that ghosting was okay—because I didn’t know what ghosting was.

I thought messaging without seeing them in person was okay—because again, I didn’t know what that meant.

We don’t have to use all these modern terms, but understanding them can tell us a lot about the situation we’re in.

Counsellor Gurpreet Singh explains in this three-minute video six important dating terms we all need to know:

>> Ghosting
>> Breadcrumbing
>> Cuffing season
>> Stashing
>> Benching
>> Zombieing

We’ve all been affected by these in one way or another.

Here’s what they mean:



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Image: giuliajrosa/Instagram