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August 23, 2021

How to Choose an Ideal Spiritual Healer

Photo by Arina Krasnikova on Pexels.

Spiritual Healer uses a method of healing that penetrates and explores the root cause of an ailment, an issue or disease, and eradicates it completely. The purview of Spiritual Healing spreads across the concepts of Life and Death, Time, Space, Karma, DNA, and Genetics.

Let’s consider an example of a person suffering from obesity. No matter how many times they join a gym, follow a healthy routine, and diet, within a year or two they gain back the weight. The reasons can be multiple here. They might meet an accident that doesn’t let them workout. They might get a disease that makes them put on weight. They might get into depression that leads to weight gain or they might simply get a job that doesn’t allow them to look after themselves. We are taking this example because people around the world are now concentrating on fitness and getting in shape no matter their issues. It’s like an awakening around the world.

But what about people who aren’t able to lose weight no matter what they try? Why are they perpetually trapped in obesity? The answer lies closer to them than it seems. Often, a person suffering from obesity has manifested it in their lives or has carried it on from generations or past lives in some cases.

One such case was of a lady who went to a Spiritual Healer and discussed her issue. Upon diagnosing it was discovered that she was molested as a kid and hence her inner child had manifested obesity. The reasoning was simple – she felt the bigger she was, the fewer people would want to molest her. Due to this, however, she was always unhappy and could never end up in a successful relationship and her size was creating issues in all areas of her life.

With Spiritual Healing, she was healed, she forgave herself and her molester and went on to liberate all the unnecessary weight and today she is happily married with two kids.

While Spiritual Healing has been practiced for thousands of years in the East, it has recently gained popularity in the West and the rest of the world.

Now how does one choose a Spiritual Healer? Well to start with, you can read our blog on the Qualities and Characteristics of the Best Spiritual Healers in the World. Besides these, there are just a couple more things you need to be careful about while choosing your Spiritual Healer.

Their Fee
A Spiritual Healer who knows what they are doing will be upfront and specific about their fee because they understand the energy exchange and also the exact course of treatment. They will however never suggest you ten different treatments and charge for all of them. So they will tell you exactly what you need and how much will be the one time charge for it, healing you completely. If the Healer you go to isn’t sure about the causes and effects and is suggesting ten different streams of treatment, then that’s a big red flag.

Speak to People
Go to their page and read the reviews given by people. It doesn’t take long to figure out if the reviews are fake or if people have genuinely written them. If possible, try speaking to the people who took their services in the past and understand their experiences. This will help you choose wisely.

Lastly, look for a Healer who concentrates on your overall psychological and spiritual well being.

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