August 8, 2021

The Cost of Inner Transformation.


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“Allow the fires of transformation to burn away all that doesn’t serve you.” ~ Heather Ash Amara

There are no free lunches in the world. There is a price for everything—healing and transformation included.

When you have walked into and through your own fires of pain and anguish, and finally come out on the other side, nothing remains the same.

Once you have become who you were always meant to be; either the lens through which you view the world changes or you choose an entirely new world for yourself.

Everything acquires a new meaning or you have to ascribe meaning on new terms—your own terms.

Yes, it’s empowering and liberating. It feels like a breath of fresh air.

This new world where you get to be you is fulfilling, but it also carries with it the uncertainty of what’s to come.

The constant tug of war between who you were and who you are now, and choosing to be yourself in every given moment of your new, transformed life.

The confusion of wondering why others aren’t able to relate to you the way they did before, or maybe you can’t relate to them anymore.

There is the great realisation that what was once a source of discomfort and pain some time ago, doesn’t evoke anything in you now.

You think to yourself, “I am the same” when, actually, nothing about you ever remains the same.

You are always growing and evolving and, at times, at a pace that seems negligible to your own self.

And one fine day, there’s a boom!

You have a voice.

You have a persona.

You have transformed—not just evolved.

You are no longer a borrowed version of you.

You are you.

And yes, sometimes the price that you have to pay is to let go of people, places, relationships, choices that you no longer feel connected to, or perhaps, you never were.

For when you transform, you outgrow, outlive, and become.

You simply become—and that is the cost of letting go.

That’s a price worth paying.



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Damini Grover  |  Contribution: 112,985

author: Damini Grover

Image: Alyssa from Instagram

Editor: Farah Hany