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August 6, 2021

What is real friendship

Photo by Nicholas Swatz on Pexels.

When I use the word friendship, I mean two people relating with each other in a way that there is immense freedom, respect & playfulness.
While the word relationship can have respect & playfulness, it usually takes away freedom because one develops so many expectations & insecurities in it.
If a person really loves selflessly, then there is no need for any label to put.
The togetherness of two selfless lovers is like two musical instruments which are playing the same tune, they naturally synchronize with each other & create a beautiful melody together.
They don’t need any label or stamp for it, it just happens.
So if you have this kind of harmony with anyone, it is love.
Don’t try to put a label on it as this or that relationship.
Bcz with these labels will come your ideas which will destroy it.
Keep things simple.
As long as U like being with the person & your songs together seem melodious, be
& if there comes a time when the songs turn into a cacophony, be free again from this togetherness & abide in your own melody.
It is not people who bind you, but your ideas about the relationship you have with them, that does!
If you don’t create any such ideas, you’ll live freely with love.
& anyone who truly has some love towards you, you’ll experience them doing the same.
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