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September 20, 2021

Ancient Blood Mysteries

With a remembrance of our roots – bleeding brings a sense of belonging.

My vision for the women within our world is to fall in love with the cycles that come with carrying the sacred seed for the continuation of our species.

When we bleed, our psychic powers open and become available to us – i want the sacred sense of ourselves to awaken deeper as we bleed.

Reconnecting to our moon cycle is one of the most radical acts of empowerment.

Journeying into the hidden realms of our earthly experiences.

Diving deep into portals of light (intelligence/biological wisdom) unveils truths that are being intentionally withheld.

Growing up in a society that shames and fears our core biological function of bleeding, is responsible for cultivating much of the self-abandonment and a sense of not being enough within the female population.

We are taught to regard our menstrual blood as taboo – and that is exactly what it is. The most ancient translation of ‘taboo’ literally means sacred.

The shedding of blood compels us to shape shift; expanding both physically – our uterus swelling to almost double the size and weight, along with our aura fanning out 6 times larger.

This blood that is flowing monthly, contains stem cells.

But of course we are expected to act as if this sacred releasing is meaningless – we do not understand transformation the way that we understand power.

Human menstruation is a fundamental way that our sexuality is different from primates. The estrus cycle that primates experience allows them to only bleed when they are fertile. Humans bleed when we are not fertile – we ovulate at a different time throughout our cycle.

This frees our sexuality from procreation.

It’s like we exchange our libido for renewal.

Our time for bleeding is an initiation of self development, through our willingness to become uncomfortable and face what is no longer serving us.

What if the dragon guarding our dungeon is actually the liberator? What if she is actually the guide in how to harness our psychic gifts, and slip below normal consciousness in order to experience our limitless depths of potential?

I want the men and women who come into our fields to feel honored in our presence, simply because we are women in connection with our own sovereignty. Our partners in alignment with our magical waves of knowing – on a biological and intuitive level.

Making love, especially during our bleed, feels open and transparent. Attuning and devoting to what both bodies need, results in a transformation, which he would then thank you for.

There is so much space to cultivate rituals and practices that support our moon cycle. Being transparent and open about what we honor within ourselves, invites others to honor us and love us in those ways too! We are both paving and being led to create a new paradigm revolving around our ancient, intuitive knowledge around the blood mysteries.

“I bleed every month. but do not die. how am i not magic.” – Nayyirah Waheed

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