September 23, 2021

Beauty has No Expiry Date. {Poem}

If my daughter ever ponders her beauty or any person’s beauty, and how long it lasts, I want her to know that beauty never has an expiry date.

Our beauty cannot be defined.

Our bones grow glorious and fine,
having carried the weight of a breathtaking life.

When our hair looks like snow
in the depths of winter,
it has years of learning and love
woven into the strands
like a braid made with love from a mother doing her daughter’s hair.

As the crow’s feet dance in the corner of our eyes
and our loved ones pass us and children come home,
there are memories and history woven into each part of our face.

When we learn what it is like to fall down seven times and stand up eight.

When we can sit in the loneliness on a quiet moment.

We have gained the capacity to rise like the sun every single day, with a sparkle in our eyes.

We have learned that we are always connected under our clothes, in the depth of our hearts.

Because our beauty blossomed from under our clothes and skin.
This is the moment that I will hold you, dear one.

And remind you, “Your awesomeness is breathtaking.”


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Rhyanna Watson  |  Contribution: 28,540

author: Rhyanna Watson

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Rasha Al Jabi