September 14, 2021

Body Positive & Being Fit Doesn’t Mean no Cellulite.

body positive

This world is so full of filters and perfect angles online.

Perfect edited humans, smooth lines, and no lumps and bumps. I came across these shots and thought I would share them.

Not flawed or perfect…but me.

After my live photoshoot with Jade Beall, I wanted to share a raw post that shows two unedited angles of me dancing.

I have cellulite. It is human. I have had a child. My body has changed since I was girl. I continue to work on myself, but I am not perfect, never have been, and I don’t want to be.

Most social media seems to show perfection, but if we wish to really love ourselves, we have to own and be willing to love all parts of us. I just want everyone to know that just because I am fit, it does not mean I do not struggle with society’s perfect standards and body insecurities.

There is no perfect body as most of this society wants us to believe, especially in a world that finds fault with all of us.

Many people ask me how they should remain healthy and get a strong or fit body. It is a continual work in progress. It is working with my body cycles, mindset, darkness, and light every day. Some days I don’t feel loved because I do not love what I am, and other days, I feel loved because I do love everything that makes me me.

It has never been about the outside world’s approval. It has always been about my ability to challenge my darkest thoughts. Some days, I am motivated to train, and other days I am not. I train five days a week, getting up at 5 a.m. Working and raising a daughter is hard.

It has never been about being motivated; it has always been about challenging my darkest thoughts.

I hope for those who are struggling with motivation and self-love to remember that body positivity, as the photographer, Jade, says, includes everyone, and it is about working on our tendencies, thoughts, and self.

The world needs our love and kindness.

You got this.

You are already beautiful just as you are.

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Rhyanna Watson  |  Contribution: 28,430

Image: Rhyanna Watson

Image: Author's own

Editor: Michelle Al Bitar