September 13, 2021

Love: An Impossibility in Definitions.


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Let us demystify love. 

Here are some things that no one will tell you about love and loving.

I’ve come late to the table and still need to learn and grow! I’m sure this is the case for most of us.

Here is my offering, which may make you laugh or cry.

I hope you do smile.

I have been meditating on life and love. Today, in an outdoor café, I was flooded with thoughts and feelings…so I took my pen out and wrote the following.

I call this spontaneous note-taking, which I believe is an act of recording messages from my higher self or the universe.

If love is the answer, please show the way! Scribbled on a tattered paper reads the following:

No love, either person or offering, will ever be perfect.

Love may feel uncomfortable.

It can be infuriating.

Love is abundant in many forms.

There is no waste with regard to time or attention. Love is never a waste of time.

Love expands and grows!

Real love is completely unselfish.

It is about vulnerability, and offering everything you have—holding nothing back.

Love is courageous.

Love is contagious.

It can be bold or timid.

Love is limitless and knows no bounds.

It is timeless and forgiving.

Love may cause discomfort, and it may make you question everything you have ever believed.

Love may be worn out, raw, or tarnished…and it may come undone.

Love isn’t without some form of pain, for love is letting go; and in the release, there is surrender and complete unconditional acceptance.

Love is radical.

Love is everywhere.

Love is accepting and unrelenting, and it still allows space to heal and grow!

Real love is patient (I think the Bible says this too).

Real love gives without thinking of receiving anything in return.

Love, my darlings, is as infinite as the stars that shine on you!

You need not wait for love, for it has already arrived—it is true!


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Renee Fesser  |  Contribution: 68,435

author: Renee Fesser

Image: snakes.n.roses/Instagram

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra