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October 1, 2021

Healing from Hidden Abuse through Tantra

Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.

Here’s how Tantra Heals Hidden, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Abuse –

What we don’t realize often in hidden abuse is that while the marks aren’t visible on the physical body, the hurt and pain does manifest itself physically. It gets trapped in the body in various forms and needs to be removed and shaken. Some examples of trapped abuse are muscle pains, blood clots, anger that manifests as diseases, kidney stones, and joint pains. Tantra Healing involves safe touch, tapping, massaging, pressure points, and de-armoring to shake the wound away and remove it from the root. As a person goes through these processes, they can feel tremors inside their body, moving from one place to another and also feel release of pains and weights from their body. People often use the restroom after these sessions as these toxins also release through urine and excreta.


Emotional abuse often appears when we have unresolved emotional conflicts that are buried deep inside our minds. Through Mantra Chanting and Sadhana, we dive deeper into the mind and resolve emotional conflicts, curing the root, not just the symptom. People have often found themselves crying for hours after their first emotional healing sessions and end up feeling a sense of deep relief. They often also end up in deep sleep which lasts longer than their usual sleeping hours. This is their subconscious changing its emotional wiring.


Hidden abuse affects our brain and its functions in more ways than one. Some people face memory loss, while others have a hard time concentrating and focusing on things. Speech defects and inability to communicate are also possible. Through Tantra healing, we rewire the brain and get it back to functioning at its full capacity while adopting empowering beliefs. After the Mental healing, people often end up remembering things that they couldn’t remember no matter how hard they try. This may lead to both relief and pain since sometimes certain memories are shut out by the brain because they were too traumatic. At this time, it’s important for a person to be in the company of the healer so the healer can help them deal with the memories and finally get closure.


Often people who go through hidden abuse end up feeling energetically and spiritually drained, disconnected, and incomplete. Tantra healing helps them tap into their Praana (life) energy and dive into the ocean of pure joy and bliss, learning to love themselves again and connecting to the divine. After Spiritual Healing, people find themselves more interested in Sadhana, Seva (service), and Sattva (Purity). Again, it’s important to have a Guru or a Spiritual Healer by your side when you go through Spiritual Healing so they can guide you in the right way.

Tantra healing works on the principles of divine unconditional love, trust, respect, and a deep connection with healthy boundaries. Thus, helping people heal, transform, and transcend to the best version of themselves.

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