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September 9, 2021

The Most Important Thing in the Universe (at least in my opinion!)

Are you aware that you are at choice in your life?

You are at choice of your direction…

of your dreams…

of your satisfaction…

So many clients I work with like the idea of it at first but when they really tune into it they ask me: “what do you mean I am at choice? There are so many things in my life I cannot control!

I can’t control that the dog bit me last week. I can’t control that Covid is doing its crazy thing to the world. I can’t control the government. I can’t even control the fact that my dad speaks to me as if I am a nobody…”

So… let me be clear. I am not talking about control. Control is an attempt to control your environment so everything is exactly how you want it to be. This is an impossible task. You will only frustrate and exhaust yourself in the process. Because you cannot control others, and you cannot control how things are.

However, you can CHOOSE how to respond. 

You can respond intelligently, powerfully and lovingly to what is happening now. You can respond in a way that honors, pleases, empowers and feeds you (speaking mostly to those of you who have a tendency to leave your needs and desires behind).

This is what I call a Choice.

To me there is nothing more powerful in the entire universe than our ability to choose – especially when we choose consciously (not letting our past hurts, traumas and limiting beliefs choose for us).

When you are aware that you actually CAN choose what fulfills you and excites you, nothing can stand in the way. Then, it’s the matter of tuning in, listening to yourself, trusting your inner guidance and moving towards the life that deeply and completely feeds your Soul.

This is an incredibly important subject matter because a lot of the people who work with me in private sessions or Breath of Love Certification Courses start by saying that they are stuck.

Usually they are stuck in the job and career that they don’t want. Or, a life circumstance that they seem to not be able to get out of.

Inside the feeling of stuckness usually is a subconscious belief that they don’t have a choice. Or, that they cannot have what they want.

When it comes to one’s career, purpose and making a living these people are doing something that does NOT fully feed their Soul.

They go to work every day putting on a mask pretending to be someone they actually know they are not (or, they are not any longer!).

They have outgrown this job, and they know it.

There is a much greater calling pulling them forward, and they can almost taste the profound satisfaction in it.

But they simply don’t know how to get there. They are lacking a road map and appropriate guidance.

Is it you?

If yes, you might have one of the most common excuses:

1) I don’t know exactly what it is I want to do, or,

2) I know what I want to do but I don’t trust I can continue making great money with it (aka I like the security I have now and I am scared to lose it).

Yes, I understand.

It comes back to this radical idea.


See, before you have clarity about where you are heading or what your Soul’s Gifts are to the world… and before you get clear on your bigger purpose in this lifetime…

you must do one thing: CHOOSE.

CHOOSE to get excited about what else is possible.

CHOOSE to discover who you really are.

CHOOSE to believe that you deserve a life of great joy and satisfaction, where you jump out of the bed every morning excited (because you love what you do).

CHOOSE to learn from those who have left their stuck jobs behind and are living in financial freedom doing what they absolutely love now.

And, most importantly: CHOOSE to know it is possible.

Because it is.

I am the living proof of it.

And my hundreds of clients whom I have helped to transition from a soul-sucking to an amazing soul-feeding livelihood are proof too.

If you’d like to know how we did it come join us in my next 90 minute training called Pivot Towards Your Purpose on Wednesday, March 24th.

With love,


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