September 3, 2021

This New York Times article on plastic blew my mind.

This New York Times article on plastic blew my mind. This is one of the most important articles I’ve come across to read all of, not just share. ~ Waylon

Did you know that plastic fuels the climate crisis? That it isn’t vegan (it kills animals). That it’s longterm toxic to wear, or eat or drink out of?

That to-go plastic container you used in a long-forgotten lunch 10 years ago? It’s still going strong. It almost certainly wasn’t recycled. Recycling plastic doesn’t happen, and it doesn’t work. You can only recycle a small percentage of plastic, and it’s a toxic process you wouldn’t want to be around. A single plastic red cup, say, will be around for your grandchildren’s grandchild.

Instead, think for-here, compostable, or bring your own container. Don’t let a wake of disease and trash follow you wherever you go. Finally, plastic is petroleum, plus chemicals. The big oil companies are pushing plastic, hoping to double (!) its production in the next few years, and 3 or 4x it by 2050 to make up for losses against renewable energy. There’ll be more plastic in the oceans than fish, by weight. We eat a credit card of plastic, already, a week—it’s in the rain, the dust, our food. Our clothes, our carpets, our furniture, our sealants and paint…all shed microplastics. Go zero waste, one step-at-a-time: packaging for shampoo or toothpaste, rugs, clothes—all can be 100% natural or compostable. Let your legacy be making things a little better, not toxic.

This is an excerpt from my soon-forthcoming second book, It’s Never too Late to Fall in Love with your Life: A Collection of Precious Wisdom for Everyday Life. It’s 108 quotes, with commentary. Pre-order it and save $5. All preorders will be signed, free! Coming 2022!

Read more from It’s Never too Late to Fall in Love with your Life:

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