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September 28, 2021

Who am I

I never thought I would be putting my thoughts out in this way, I am not the kind of person that shows too much of herself. I am not the sort of person that speaks her mind, I am timid in my mannerisms and in how I use my voice. I leave a room and you barely notice my absence. My voice quivers when I have to speak to voice my opinion. I do not leave any real sort of impression. Lately, this has seemed to change, I want to speak my mind, I want to express my needs and wants. I want to be heard and leave an impression, not just on my inner circle but in the world. I want the fact that I exist to matter. But finding myself between who I am and who I want to be is a much bigger struggle than I expected. I have forces inside of me taunting me with reasons as to why I should stick to what I know. I can feel myself losing people because of who I am trying to become. It is a battle between forces known and unknown. I do not know if I should continue down this path of discovering myself and showing more of who I really am. I doubt I even know who I really am.

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Belinda Cornelius  |  Contribution: 215