It happened so one day that Sahasrara Chakra(Crown) and Muladhara Chakra(Root) started a quarrel. Muladhara was yelling that he is the greatest of all. Sahasrara was yelling that he is the greatest of all. He further reasoned that wisdom is greater than desires. Well, such quotations have their careers in debates and other argumentative wars.
And it was the battle of wits against the battle of instincts. The other chakras who were the witnesses were scratching their heads. They had their own quarrels between them as to who is better!
Sahasrara said, Kundalini’s aim is me. She wants to reach me ultimately. So, I am great.
Muladhara said, Huh! But she cannot reach you unless she penetrates me. And it is never easy for anyone in the world to penetrate and win the army of desires.
They both decided to have a war. Sahasrara – Folks, hear me out! Chakras above Manipura get in my team, and the rest of them get into Muladhara’s team. We are set for a war now. Crown Chakra commanded,
Vishuddhi Chakra! Release your best power. Command your voice in such a way that the opposite army either falls asleep by it or becomes a slave to our wishes.
Anahata Chakra! I command you to release ultimate emotional energies to manipulate the whole opposition.
Muladhara commanded too,
Swadhisthana Chakra! Hear me out! Release your hydro power to drown all the chakras of the opposition.
Manipur Chakra! Fire can burn even wisdom. Burn all the wisdom and voices and emotions in your fire. You both have my back. I am full of powerful ambitious desires and will power.
And all were in an intense fight. It was getting dark. All the nadis were their field of battle. And darkness was getting intense due to this war. Conflict and conflict!
It was impossible to say who was winning. Both wisdom and desires were equally powerful against each other. Both had strength to wear each other out.
But, all got weary from the fight. So, for some time they rested well.
But, since then, in various fields inside the consciousness of human beings, war has been happening. The eternal battle between wisdom and lust! It is said that only the one who has the strength to handle both with ease has been able to resolve the war. No one else!
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