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October 3, 2021

Do Men Often Suffer Depression?

Photo by Alex Green on Pexels.

Most people disassociate men from depression; that is wrong, men also suffer from depression, and it is common. Know about depression symptoms in men, their effects, and how to treat that.

Unlike the past, now people also prioritize mental health just as much as physical well-being. A depressed person can’t concentrate on his life. They are continuously dull, exhausted, unproductive, inefficient, and frustrated. This is common in both men and women. Besides, the signs and symptoms of depression in both are also pretty the same.

So, what are the signs of depression in males? What are its effects on men? In the following sections, we have discussed everything you need to know about the depression symptoms in men and their effects on them.

Depression in Men: Commonly Not Recognized

Most people do not recognize depression in men. Guys grow up hearing that they are strong. That’s why in most cultures crying for men is considered a very cowardly act which is wrong. Since they are strong, they can control their thoughts. So, they won’t get depressed. However, in reality, men are as prone to depression as women, and all humans must acknowledge that because ignoring that can fire up the depression in them. With time, depression can also turn into anxiety, etc., and suicidal thoughts can prevail here.

Depression Symptoms in Men

As discussed earlier, the depression symptoms in men and women are almost the same. However, these symptoms can be found differently from person to person. In the list below, we have provided some common depression symptoms in men.

  • Getting the feeling of sorrow, low, and guilt
  • Losing interest and enjoyment in the activities that previously excited you and made you feel pleasure
  • Continuously suffering from tearfulness and emptiness
  • Experiencing a change in the appetite – either eating too lessor too much than your normal eating habit
  • Gaining or losing too much weight
  • Feeling dizzy, tired, frustrated, agitated, and exhausted
  • Losing concentration on stuff – unable to focus on the daily tasks and work, etc.
  • Sleeping too much or staying up all night (losing sleep)

Some men may experience all of these symptoms, and some few. Besides, few other signs are found more in men than women. These can be genetic due to social factors, biochemical reasons, and hormonal.

Depression Effects on Men

Depression directly hits the thinking ability of humans. Getting continuously hit by suicidal thoughts, losing interest in everything, being unhappy, and mentally and emotionally unstable disturb both the work and personal life of men. They won’t be able to perform their best in the office. They will be unproductive and inefficient. Plus, their relationships with their family and friends are also the most affected here.

Treating depression in Men

So, how to treat depression? Depression can be treated both medically through antidepressants and psychotherapies, etc. You can work on maintaining a healthy life or do other stuff like visiting community mental health centers, attending employee assistance programs, going to a therapist, and more.

Acknowledging depression in men will solve many problems in society. Know that they can also suffer from depression and anxiety. Understand the depression symptoms in men. Give them proper treatments and therapies to make their lives better.

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