I have been here before.
I’ve felt its familiar pang and walked the corridors of “what if” a thousand times to know that I should run without ever looking back again.
It is so easy to slip into the dream world of, “if only this, and maybe that, and what if I didn’t, and what if I did; where would I be now?”
Don’t get me wrong, dreams are amazing, I love dreaming, in fact, I’m all about dreaming and reaching for those impossible heights, but when dreams overshadow our current reality with feelings of being stuck: you can best believe you have left the realm of being present and fallen straight down the rabbit hole.
Straight into the abyss below where our truest desires, grandiose wishes and sometimes even nightmares live.
Once there, getting back is often a challenge, especially if you allow yourself to stay longer than a visit and can sometimes lead to a place of discontent.
Recently I fell down the rabbit hole, into the abyss of lost feelings long gone on an autumn breeze.
There I was, back again, casually strolling through wonderland in sweet reverie, knowing all the while, I couldn’t stay.
Yet, the visit, a much-needed reprieve, for I had buried those feelings deep within the treasure box of my heart and long since misplaced the key…
A quick and enlightened conversation with both the Cheshire Cat and Mad Hatter brought me quickly back to reality: present within my being, embracing all the now’s of life, while saving the what if’s for those rainy days when the soul may need a bit of nourishing, with a fall down the rabbit hole …only to come back again.
And the rain falls,
In a gentle caress of my soul
A beautiful reminder of the love within
and the feel of raindrops
upon my skin
Its steady tempo
A constant
On this cloudy day
As I sip warm tea
Beneath the sky of gray
Thunder rumbles
A distant tune
I hear it calling
And I fall too
Down the rabbit hole
Of forgotten reverie
Where fluorescent hues
In shades of green
Tint the landscape
Reminiscent of dreams
I’ve been here before
Have felt its familiar pang
Walked the many corridors
Only to turn back again
I suppose I will always visit in dream.
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