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October 29, 2021

Fasting During Navratri – Why and How

Photo by Sayanta Paul on Pexels.

Abstaining from certain foods, thoughts and practices for a period of time in order to steer the intention inwards is called fasting. Fasting can be physical, mental, emotional and energetical. But why is it important and why do people observe a fast during Navratri? Also, what is the correct way to do it? This blog answers all these questions along with explaining the benefits of fasting.

Let’s now understand the benefits of fasting during Navratri
Your entire body will detox and purify making your mind, body, energy and skin clearer.

Your energy levels will increase and so will your concentration power.

Your immunity will increase due to the nuts, fruits, milk and coconut water consumption.

You will be able to slip into deeper meditations easily and your spiritual powers, manifestation powers and experiences will increase at great speed.

You will become more peaceful, alert, vigilant and compassionate.

Having said this, kindly note that fasting is not advisable for certain body and health types and you must consult your GuruDev and your doctor before commencing any fast.

Why do People Fast during Navratri?

Different people fast for different reasons. As we discussed in our previous blog , Navratri is the most potent time for spiritual seekers around the world. This is the time when the Divine Feminine is at its peak and the universe is reverberating at the highest energy.

This is when all the Sadhaks are highly receptive of this energy and can benefit the most from it. So how does fasting relate to it? Let’s understand this with an example – Imagine you have a feast to attend at night, but you ended up eating throughout the day. When you reach the feast venue, you aren’t able to eat any of the delicacies or enjoy them because you are full with all the food you ate during the day. Similarly, when your mental, physical and energy bodies are filled with unnecessary things, you won’t be able to consume the energy of the Divine Feminine.

This is why people fast during Navratri. So that they can consume the energy of the Divine Feminine and the Cosmos and attain their highest level of Sadhana. This is why they abstain from foods, thoughts, actions and emotions that might hamper this process and they can taste the delicacy that is spiritual power. Now that we have understood the reason why people fast during these nine nights, let’s now understand how to do it correctly to get the maximum benefit.

How to Fast During Navratri –

Disclaimer –

Please note that the points mentioned below are just guidelines and you should follow and do only what feels right to you and what makes you feel more spiritually powerful. Your Sadhana and its success depends more on your intention and the purity of your heart than the technicalities of any practice.

To begin with, you can decide the kind of fast you want to follow. People can decide to abstain from food, certain kinds of foods, certain activities, certain people and certain thoughts during this time. For instance, some people give up on non-veg and stick to vegetarian meals. Some people give up solid foods and stick to a liquid diet of coconut water, butter-milk, tea and coffee. Some people give up on food altogether and consume only water. Some people refrain from sexual activities, speaking, communicating and even physical touch.

Some people continue doing these in moderation. Some people eat one meal a day and some people go bare feet during nine-days. While explaining the benefits of each kind and their importance will be difficult here, we suggest you read up on them and find out what you are most comfortable with and which fast can you follow throughout the nine days with ease.

You see, if you begin following something and have difficulty following it, then you will be distracted by those thoughts and won’t be able to concentrate on the inside and the magic that is these nine nights. The entire activity will be counterproductive and won’t help anyone. So, choose a path that you can follow with grace and ease and that makes you feel better instead of miserable.

Once you decide your fasting method, ensure you follow these dos and don’ts –

Bathe every day (preferably twice a day) and stay hygienic all the time

Include more of fruits, nuts, milk, water and juices in your diet and consume solid food as less as you can (unless you have a medical condition, in that case, please continue your doctor prescribed diet)

The food that you prepare at home is also offered to the deities so ensure you cook only Sattvik food at home.

Keep your home clean since Maa Durga is said to visit her devotees’ homes in various forms during the nine days.

Refrain from alcohol, drugs, non-vegetarian food, eggs, sexual misconduct, onion and garlic during this time.

Cutting one’s hair, nails and shaving are also prohibited since they distract the Sadhak. Unless of course you have a chipped nail or damaged hair or need to shave for hygiene reasons. It is also advised to do these activities a day prior to or on the first day of Navratri and refrain from them for the rest nine days.

Besides these points, make sure you spend maximum time in Sadhana, keep your interaction with other people to the bare minimum and avoid indulging in social media or television to ensure only clean and pure thoughts are allowed in your mind.

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