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October 20, 2021

Five Lessons Lord Ganesha Teaches Us

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Pexels.

As the festive season begins in India, Lord Ganesha is the first one to grace us with His presence. The son of Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesha was blessed by His father to be worshipped first before beginning any work. As we worship Lord Ganesha before commencing any work, He destroys any and all obstacles that may arise on our path. A common example of this would be the Ganesha picture you would see on Indian wedding cards.

Whether it’s weddings or buying a new home, entering a new partnership or making a new investment, Lord Ganesha becomes a guiding, protecting force and ensures things flow seamlessly.

Lord Ganesha has a big head which is a sign of His wisdom. The wisdom here makes Him keep an open mind, think with a foresight, and be open to learning. As an investor, these properties would help one to be open to looking at all options before investing. Furthermore, an investor becomes more open to unlearning redundant methods and learning new trends. Understanding current trends and making a well-informed prediction are achieved through foresight.

Listening Skills
Lord Ganesha’s big ears symbolize good listening skills. As an investor, this quality teaches us to be open to listening and being attentive to sound financial advice that guides us in the right direction.

This quality helps one become receive advice that is unbiased, ethical, experience and research backed and relevant. Listening skills also involves asking the right questions and knowing when to stop.

You can consider your ears as filters and funnels that curate the correct and accurate information which helps you, from the pool of varied, sprayed out information. It is also important to keep your ears on the ground so you can pick up on the tiniest bit of information that might otherwise get lost in the big news.

Lord Ganesha’s sharp eyes teach us to focus and be attentive. Eye to detail and concentrating on every tiny information helps an investor get the best out of their investments and make calculated risks that result in success.

Also, this quality teaches us to make an individual goal-based investment plan creating a diversified strategic portfolio. Focus further helps one to gain a holistic view into the market, thus assisting with a long-term plan that results in maintaining and growing wealth.

Lord Ganesha’s trunk represents adaptability and following the right path. As an investor, one needs to be agile, ready to transform according to growing trends and be able to change their strategy for the best results.

Evaluating your portfolio regularly and knowing which investment to hold on to and which one to let go of is an essential quality to have as an investor.

Lord Ganesha’s one tusk represents weeding out the unimportant and keeping the important. As an investor, it’s very important to know which information, trade, investment, advisor and plan is good for you and which one just appears good but isn’t of any real value.

When sitting with your funds, remove the underperformers and keep the outperformers. But at the same time, understand if the underperformers are promising a long-term later return, in that case, you can keep them too.

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