October 14, 2021

This is the World we Belong In.


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I belong in a world where I can walk barefoot in the sand.

I belong in a world where I’m not in the midst of bricks but in the midst of land.

I belong in a world where I don’t need makeup to cover up my day.

I belong in a world where I’m not feeling less because I see others living their lives in another way.

I belong in a world where smiling, dancing, and playing are the forté of life.

I belong in a world where I am a woman standing my ground—not somebody’s wife.

I belong in a world in which I’m not objectified by sharing a picture with tits.

I belong in a world where everyone can live in their own vessels in absolute bliss.

I belong in a world where you can be you and I can be me.

I belong in a world where we all

can be free.

~ I belong

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Zoë van Liere  |  Contribution: 835

author: Zoë van Liere

Image: Author's own/Instagram

Editor: Juliana Otis