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October 21, 2021

Ode to the Move

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels.

Ode to the Move

I need to clean up

But don’t know where my bathroom stuff is

I need to change clothes

Where did that box go

My living room looks like

A Hoarders episode

And is overwhelming

Need to shop for basic stuff

A few new furniture comforts

And a washer & dryer, have a hamper full of dirty laundry

I have an idea of furniture placement

Once the boxes are clear

My critters are confused

But are happy to be with their Ma

Cable & Internet won’t be installed for a few more days

But have a smart TV & an antenna

If I can find the remote

On vacation for the week

But have some work to do

Am familiar with my new home town

But still gotta learn my way around

Oh the joys of moving

But I’m happy to be here

~ Laura Booker

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