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October 30, 2021

The Law of Attraction

Have you have ever been in a situation that you keep manifesting and manifesting, but it just won’t happen?

You are working on your affirmations; you meditate every day, visualise like there is no tomorrow… and still, nothing!

How can that be?

Everyone is telling you that you have to do the work and it will happen, and you are doing the work, but for some reason, it’s not working for you.

The only thing that happens is that you are getting frustrated and annoyed with yourself. What am I doing wrong, is what you keep asking yourself?

Let me tell you; I have been there… I have manifested like crazy, and it worked to some degree; I couldn’t figure out how to get it to work ALL the time, though… until I did.

The secret behind the secret lies within your emotions. I know you have heard that before. Im not talking about the emotions you are having while you are visualising your dream. I’m talking about the emotions you are having during the other 23.5 hours of your day.

So you visualise for maybe 30 minutes a day and elevate your emotions to make it work for you. Then during the remaining 23.5 hours of your day, you are annoyed about your colleague, feel stressed out because you are running late, argue with a friend and so on…

That is the reason why your manifestation won’t work. The thing is that everything is energy. Every single emotion you are having is energy. When you were a child, you started collecting emotions and stored them in your energy field, and they are still sitting there. These emotions emit a frequency, which is your base frequency.

This base frequency is now attracting more things of the same frequency into your life. To change your base frequency, you will need to release these old emotions (blockages) from your body. The moment you do that, you will raise your frequency and attract better experiences into your life.

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