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October 26, 2021

What Do the Vedic Marriage Rituals Mean?

Gotra Pariksha: When the marriage is proposed, Gotra or the lineage of the groom and bride is checked. Just a few decades ago, getting married in the same lineage was prohibited. That might sound useless and conservative to the current generation, but this concept has its roots in genetic science.

It is believed that Gotra began from several sages. People belonging to the same Gotra are believed to have identical chromosomes. Today’s science says that when two people with identical chromosomes marry, there are high chances that their children will be born with genetic disorders. That is the exact reason that the law prohibits cousin marriages in many countries, including the USA. So, after the Gotra Pariksha is done, an auspicious time is decided for the ceremony.

Mehendi ceremony: Let’s face it. Planning a wedding is one of the most exciting yet stressful things in life. A couple’s entire world is about to change, and that could get on the nerves. So, as in modern days, we go to spas for manicures, pedicures, and relaxation; our ancestors used to have a Mehendi program, where all the women of the house and village used to gather and have a fun evening with dancing, singing, and mainly, applying henna on their hands and feet, as part of the Solah Shringar, or sixteen bridal adornments.

Apart from a cosmetic appeal, the application of henna on hands and feet has medicinal properties. Our toes and fingers have nerve endings, and applying the henna paste to them creates a calming effect. Henna also acts as an antiviral and anti-bacterial agent, resulting in the betterment of the skin. It helps calm down the body and acts as a relaxing agent, preventing headaches and fevers.

Haldi Ceremony: In Hollywood romantic comedies, it’s often shown that the bride visits a spa with her bridesmaids to treat themselves with a massage, facial, and much more. But if you think this concept is a postmodern era, think again. For thousands of years, traditional brides and grooms have been enjoying this spa day for themselves in the form of a Haldi ceremony.

Haldi ceremony is a fun time, where families get together to apply turmeric paste to the bride and groom. Turmeric signifies purity, fertility, good health, new beginnings, and it’s considered a purifier on both spiritual and physical levels. Apart from being antiseptic, turmeric is rich in antioxidants, providing a golden glow to the couple, making their skin flawless.

On the actual wedding day, the groom is considered the Avatar of Lord Vishnu, and the bride is considered Divine Goddess Laxmi. Swagatam ceremony is performed when the groom arrives at the venue, warmly welcomed by the bride’s family.

In Sanatana Dharma, Lord Ganesh is considered the removal of all obstacles and bringer of peace and harmony. Hence, Ganesh Puja is performed by the Pundits (priests) to seek the blessings of Lord Ganesha for the lucky couple on this auspicious day.

Kanyadan: Kanyadaan is the ritual where the bride takes permission from her parents to leave her lineage to join the groom’s lineage. Skandha Purana, ancient Sanatana text says, that

दशपुत्रसमा कन्या दशपुत्रान्प्रवर्धयन्। यत्फलं लभते मर्त्यस्तल्लभ्यं कन्ययैकया॥

Dashaputr Sama Kanya Dashaputran Prawardhayan| Yatfalam Labhate Martyastalabhyam Kanya Ekaya|

This means the daughter is equivalent to ten sons. The virtue and sanctity one can have by the upbringing of ten sons are achieved only by nurturing the girl.

This is the place of every girl in her father’s heart. When one says Kanyadaan, it does not mean the girl is considered an object to give away. Here, the word ‘Daana‘ should be taken as the same context of Vidyadaan or spreading the knowledge. When a teacher teaches his well-deserving students, that does not mean he gives away his knowledge and becomes illiterate. Instead, his proficiency as a teacher improves by teaching students.

Term Balidaan has the same meaning, where one makes a supreme sacrifice for the betterment of the others. Same as that, when the father gives away his daughter to a well deserving groom, he is doing a supreme sacrifice. The bride leaves her lineage, she is not given to the groom, but instead, she acquires responsibilities of the groom’s family, and the groom accepts the responsibility of the bride’s family.

In Sanatana Dharma, every ritual has Sankalpa (resolution) and the fulfillment of the Sankalpa. When an engagement ceremony takes place, the bride’s father takes on a Sankalpa or resolution to marry the bride and groom. Kanyadaan is considered as the fulfillment ritual of the Sankalpa.

Panigrahan: Panigrahan is the ritual which comes after the Kanyadaan when bride and groom hold each other’s hands, and In the form of Mantras, the groom gives sure promise to the bride as follows:

Pushatvethonayathu hasthagruhyasvenoutvaa pravahathaangam radhena |

Gruhaangacca grumapatnee yadha so vshenetvam vtadhamaavadaasi ||

O my life partner, after our marriage, I will take you to our home. Here, I proclaim you as the owner of the house. So, you have to lead the house in all matters, including all the auspicious Yagyas. Please rule this house, being courteous with all the people living in it. This ritual is just like a handshake for life, just as they are supporting each other forever.

Here, the groom recenters his personality, wishes, emotions, aspirations, and behavior, keeping the bride in focus. When the couple holds each other’s hands in front of the guests, encouraging each other for the betterment of themselves and society, consider that the intention of the marriage ceremony has been truly fulfilled.

Yagya: A sacred ceremonial fire or Yagya is ignited by the Pundits. Yagya or Vivaha Havana is performed as a part of wedding rituals, where auspicious Mantras are chanted in front of the bride and groom’s family by the priest, with various offerings into the fire. While holding hands, the groom and bride present offerings to Lord Agni in the form of Ghee (purified butter), milk, grains, fruits, flowers, curd, sugar, incense, herbs, etc.

God of fire, Lord Agni, is invoked to be the witness of the ceremony. Burning the Ghee is believed to invite positivity to the venue of the ceremony. Burning the sandalwood and camphor purifies the air. When mango leaves and twigs are offered to the Yagya, it releases the formaldehyde fumes, which are considered bactericidal. When Dhoop (incense) is offered in the sacred fire, it releases the sweet fragrance in the air.

Gathbandhan: After the Vivaha Homa ceremony, the bride and groom’s garments are knotted together, and the couple circumambulates the sacred fire while the bride leads the way. This signifies a woman’s power, hold, or control in a relationship leading both of them through life.

Saptapadi: Now, let’s come to the most critical marriage ceremony ritual, that is Saptapadi. Sapta means seven, and Padi means steps. Here, the couple walks seven steps, promising each other while keeping the eternal and auspicious Lord Agni as a witness.

1. Food, wealth, emotional and physical nourishment are the best things in life. On the first step, they promise to share these.

2. Marriage is about taking care of each other. So, in the second step, the couple promises each other to take care of each other’s physical and mental health.

3. On the third step, the couple promises to foster affection and liking towards each other. So, they feel cherished and loved, enabling them to become a better version of themselves.

4. The fourth step is a promise to be a lifelong companion in good and bad times.

5. In a successful marriage, it’s very important to find common ground amongst the differing opinions. As the couple takes their fifth step, they promise to grow together in thoughts and inactions.

6. Sixth step is to look out for children, family, and the betterment of society.

7. For the seventh step, the couple promise to adopt a noble mindset, directing towards a sacred and spiritual life.

Sindoor and Mangalsutra: Any Hindu marriage is incomplete without Sindoor and Mangalsutra. The groom applies Sindoor, Kumkum, or vermillion on the bride’s forehead during the Sindoor ceremony. Do you know, this tradition goes back to the Harappan civilization, almost 3500 years ago? Sindoor is a mixture of turmeric, lime, and small traces of mercury. It’s said that mercury cools down the body and triggers the sex drive in brides.

Mangalsutra is neckless, that groom puts around the neck of his bride during the wedding. This ornament represents marital status in society, but it has much more reason than symbolism. Mangal means pious, and Sutra means thread that binds all the piousness and sanctity of the institution together. Mangalsutra reminds both husband and wife of their duties and rights.

It said that when the bride wears the Mangalsutra, it activates the Surya Nadi (sun current) in her, releasing the hormones which generate positivity in her and regulates the blood flow. Wearing the Mangalsutra helps develop the immune system, and those mustered-sized black beads help to ward off evil.

Marriage is a lengthy ceremony involving dozens of other rituals. With hundreds of different languages and cultures, India is tied by these rich traditions, which have been going on for thousands of years. Here, we have tried discussing the important ones. Several pre-wedding and post-wedding rituals are carried out, apart from the above.

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