Having no energy to brush your teeth, then needing fillings each time you go to the dentist
Getting knots in your hair from not brushing it for days
Needing assistance to make even the smallest of decisions
Turning into a vampire where you’re up at night then sleep all day. Then getting a vitamin D deficiency which further feeds your depression
Getting chronic headaches and other unexplained ailments
Living off frozen meals, if you even have an appetite
Being an emotional equivalent of a third degree burn victim, where any little thing that goes wrong feels catastrophic
Constantly losing things as your house is a mess and your memory is shit
Sneezing from the dust which has collected on shelves
Never touching your mildewed curtains
The highlight of your day is bedtime and the low light is waking up
Replacing real life with the virtual world
Wanting to cry but the tears won’t come
Having no hobbies
Feeling angry all the time
Blaming yourself for everything
Praying that you’ll finally die
Every day is like running a marathon. Everything requires a superhuman level of effort and you’re ready to collapse
Dodging awkward questions such as “What do you do?” as you’re so depressed you can’t work
Staying in your PJs every day
Letting the phone ring out as you have no energy to socialise
Ignoring messages, letting friendships drop away, then getting sad when no one wishes you a happy birthday
Being told “you look well” because you’ve become so good at hiding your depression, and realising you are all alone in this
There is nothing romantic about clinical depression.
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