November 11, 2021

7 Ways to Increase Clarity & Deepen your Awareness of your Divine Purpose.


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It is a natural human drive to wonder what our purpose is.

We want to know who we are and why we are here on planet Earth.

I believe we know innately that clarity on our purpose is the core of a meaningful life, and that is why we keep searching for it—consciously or unconsciously.

We know it is the key to the door behind which everything we dream of lies.

In my experience, though, clarity like this doesn’t always happen in an instant—a blinding flash or a spiritual awakening that forever changes your life.

Rather, like it does for many people, discovering your true purpose on the planet—your higher calling and the greater meaning of your life here—occurs as a series of moments.

Moments where you “get” who you are. Moments where you connect with what you love to do. Moments where you catch a lasting glimpse of your destiny.

Although these moments sometimes seem small, they are incredibly significant.

They are the clues to the mystery, the pieces to the puzzle, the answer to who we truly are and what matters most.

Here are seven ways to increase the frequency of these moments of clarity so that you can deepen your awareness of your divine purpose:

1. Spend time alone

How often do we really take time to connect inwardly?

Unplugging from the world is crucial if you want to know your true self. And, ultimately, regular time alone can help you to discover what you and your life are all about.

Start scheduling that quality “you” time into your diary and make your relationship with yourself a top priority. Create the space for clarity to happen.

2. Cultivate deep gratitude

Are you deeply thankful for yourself? For the life you are living? For your past and your present? Or are you secretly wishing that it was different?

Gratitude is a magnet for all kinds of magic in your life— including clarity on what you are here for—and the deeper the gratitude runs, the more magic you will attract.

3. Learn to open your heart

Going through life being closed off to love, adventure, and the mystery of being human will only stop you from knowing your why.

Rather than trying to protect yourself from pain, open yourself up: to life, to your soul, to the people around you, to yourself.

Why? Because deep inside your heart lie the answers you are seeking.

4. Inspire your senses

It’s difficult to find your purpose if you sit inside all day staring at the wall. Seek to inspire yourself!

Listen to amazing music, get outside in nature, move your body, see great sights, surround yourself with beautiful things.

Let your senses awaken your soul.

5. Journal your reflections

Writing is one of the fastest ways to develop your connection with and understanding of who you are.

Taking the time daily to reflect on your life, write down your thoughts, and explore your feelings can fast-track your journey of knowing your purpose so you can spend less time wondering what it is and more time fulfiling it.

6. Observe yourself

Every day, watch yourself from within. Notice what perks you up and what catches your attention.

What are you naturally drawn to? What do you think about? Notice in the world? Wish you could do? Dream about?

Your purpose is you—so observe yourself over time, and what truly matters to you, what inspires you, will become self-evident.

7. Talk with God/your soul

Sometimes when I need clarity, I turn inward and upwards and I ask God (life, the universe, my soul) for assistance.

I surrender all my preconceived notions about who I am and give up my ego long enough to a) ask for help and b) receive it.

And you know what? I’ve never prayed without receiving help.


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Image: Emily Gowor

Image: katja.perez/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson