November 20, 2021

“The Moment we are Born, We are Dying”—Celebrate Life!


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Life is finite for all living things.

Generally, we measure life in years when really, we should measure it in moments because they evoke emotions—good, sad, hilarious, delirious, maddening, frustrating, euphoric, devastating, breathtaking, and unique in unexpected ways.

The loss of a loved one is unimaginably heartbreaking. Death is the thief of love and joy. Grief is love with nowhere to go, trapped inside of us without being able to share it with that specific person. Instead, we continue carrying it every day, growing larger by each moment, ready to burst outward. But the person is gone and all we can do is continue to give away small pieces by sharing the memories.

We are confronted with the notion that from now on, a part of us is missing for good. Time does not heal all wounds; it just creates distance.

Know that it is not only okay, but it is healthy to cry. Cry whenever you need to. Cry, scream, shout, run, walk, breathe, and most importantly, release your pain. Grief comes in waves of different magnitudes. Don’t be afraid of judgment of your emotions. Grief means that there was (and always will be) great love.

The void cannot be replaced by anyone or anything, but having the support and presence of family and friends around can make the grieving process slightly more bearable. Don’t ever be afraid to show your grief and love of your loss at any given time or moment. Memories bubble to the surface at the most random situations; it might not make sense to anyone else but you and that is perfectly okay!

Every day an exchange takes place: one life given, one life taken. Happy versus tremendously sad. New memories to be made versus memories to hold on to and cherish. Death is part of the same coin. It is not the opposite of life, but rather part of it. Nobody escapes the inevitable outcome.

Often, it is in the moment of loss that we realize our own mortality and the true fragility of human life, and life in general. Therefore, in loss is a great gain; an acquiry of urgency.

The moment we are born, we are dying. We are, in a way, a ticking explosive. We don’t know the exact moment our time is up, the ticking stops, and a wave of unimaginable pain and sorrow sweeps across our loved ones and friends.

We are only a speck of shimmer in the treasure chest called life. We take it for granted: the fact that we will always be here, that we have time. In fact, time is the only asset that’s most valuable and fleeting. When we spend time with others, we gift something of ourselves that cannot be returned or refilled. That’s why it should be handled with care, always.

We get to live, breathe, see, smell, taste, experience, learn, grow, give back, and spread love. However, we often lose that sense of wonder as we grow older. But we can get trapped in a hamster wheel and merely exist—going through the motions of the everyday grind. We complain, whine, and remain stuck. We stop celebrating life unless it’s a birthday, juncture, or holiday. Life is the special occasion.

A candle once shining brightly, now burnt out. We might regret the things we never said, we never asked, we never took back or rectified. Life doesn’t (usually) offer second chances. One miracle at a time, but so easily taken from us at any given moment.

Don’t let the spark(s) inside of you fade. Shine and celebrate this thing called Life! You are a walking miracle. The chances of being born are one in 400 trillion and you are here!

Reflect. Connect. Correct. Life is short. Be your authentic self and stop living to please others. Your happiness and emotional well-being depend on it.

Get your strut on and do what makes you happy and what makes life worth living. Don’t have regrets. Make each and every moment count in your favor. Live each day through the eyes of a child on Christmas morning. It’s an adventure and you got a first-class ticket the moment you took your first breath. Tell me: where will you go? What will you see and do?

Don’t say you never win anything.

When you were born, you won the ultimate lottery. The prize: life itself. So, what will you spend your winnings on?


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Antje Arnold  |  Contribution: 9,890

author: Antje Arnold

Image: ayepixel/Instagram

Editor: Juliana Otis