November 15, 2021

The Liberation of Women: How to rise as a Priestess.


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When thinking of the word priestess, is there an image that springs to mind? 

Long, flowing robes? Moonlit gatherings? Magic spells? 

As fabulous as all that sounds, the meaning of priestess is relatively simple. A priestess was a female priest who performed sacred rites and blessed acts, which gave her a sense of power, beauty, and respect. Unfortunately, the sacred association has somewhat been lost over the centuries, but the fact that we are talking about it now shows it is starting to return.

Over the last 2,000 years, women have been told a different story about the suppression of female power. It’s time we move on from his story and reclaim her story—our story. To do that, we need to own his story, acknowledge its influence on us, and focus our sights on where we want to go. So, let’s look at an abbreviated version of his story, and examine where we are and how we can rise as priestesses once more.

There was a massive moment of liberation when women entered the workforce, yet it tossed us more deeply into the masculine world of competition. Sure, it opened us up to a new world of choices, which was powerful for women, as we had been repressed and secluded at home, but at what cost?

We have been influenced to subdue our feminine power, feelings, emotions, desires, and intuition and operate solely from the mind—a more masculine perspective. As we become empowered, we often land in a battle between our two sides.

We’ve been told that the male is better because of alleged facts and figures. We’ve been told that the female is too vague and “emotional” when, in fact, that energy of desire is where our magic as women lives; this is where we start to transmit this magic and become priestesses.

Going back even further, a classic example of the suppression of feminine power is in the Bible. The women in the Bible are virgins, whores, or mothers, but never priestesses, never powerful, and always subject to the men in the stories.

That is until the Nag Hammadi scrolls were discovered. The scrolls speak about Mary Magdalene being Jesus’ partner; equal and honored as a high priestess, recognized for her strong female embodiment. How delicious is that? And yet, when the Jesus story was written down 300 years after the fact (by men), the books about the stories of Mary Magdalene were removed or edited to portray submissive feminine energy or an unruly and unbalanced feminine energy.

There are no mentions of sisterhoods or priestesses. The Christian church has now admitted the texts were manipulated with a public apology.

The goddess disappeared, and the priestess fell, but now she is rising again.

Our ancestors lost their community, and this loss has led to modern women feeling unsafe with each other, around men, and in society as a whole. The loss caused a distrust of ourselves, our bodies, and each other—and we are still recovering.

Yet, we know now that we have the power to shift and change this story, to put it through a pleasure lens of magic and female wonder, and in essence, to rise as priestesses once more. And we start by embracing the connection and gift of sisterhood, freeing ourselves from competitiveness and moving towards admiration and celebration.

If we can learn to celebrate and feel joy in ourselves for who we are, allowing, acknowledging, and embracing pleasure in our lives, and then do the same for other women, we can profoundly affect all women. How fantastic is that?

And once we are surrounded by sisterhood, deeply connected to our goddess, and rising as priestesses once more, then her story is ours to create.

Stay connected, juicy, and playful.


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Savannah Alalia  |  Contribution: 4,695

author: Savannah Alalia

Image: tarnellisart/Instagram

Editor: Anjelica Ilovi