November 5, 2021

Love will Never Ask you to Play Small.

Have you heard the story of the woman who lights the moon even without the sunlight?

She grew from her own light.

She did not pine for the warmth on her skin.

For she knew she held the power that radiates light from within.

Although she had cracks, her heart was always open, for those with an open heart can never be broken.

To describe love and its sensations would be like describing an orgasm or a miracle. All I can say is, just like a miracle or an orgasm, love will never ask you to play small, be boxed, or be defined.

Shrinking is never the answer. It feels like an inner mystery that cannot be touched. Although we try to possess it, it is like a flower that cannot be plucked. It is a feeling of joy even when the drought yearns for rain. It is that feeling of pleasure we must learn that comes with sitting with the pain. It is like a feeling of instant love through the instant gratification culture.

But remembering value needs to be anchored. And it requires demanding the deep dive until you are breathing with the purpose and curiosity that runs through your veins.

And it is a lot longer than that quick instant surface connection.

It is feeling the fear anyway and all the sensations of drowning, yet knowing there is an entire ocean waiting for us to explore.

It is a feeling of being brave in the dark waters and all their depths but discovering and feeling life is so much more.


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Rhyanna Watson  |  Contribution: 28,540

author: Rhyanna Watson

Image: Author's own

Editor: Juliana Otis