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November 2, 2021

So . . . I Did this Thing!

I wrote a book. Not just any book but a book about being in touch with my “Guys.” But, let me go back to the beginning of what and how this all started.

For years I have been in touch with the spiritual side of things. As long as I can remember there has always been these beings from the non-physical world that have poked and prodded me into doing what is best for myself and others!

A few years ago, they started harassing me and I mean harassing like there was no tomorrow for me to write this book! Every time I would try to meditate, they would come in and delegate to me why I should do this. But Guys! I’m not a writer! Sure, being in the business world all my life I can do a bang-up job on writing contracts or correcting wording on legal notices but write a book! C’mon!

So that’s how it started. But surprising enough they came through with what needed to be said. The whole purpose was to get the word out that anyone can do this! Everyone has the ability to get in touch and prosper from those that live beyond the veil. By prosper I don’t mean get rich or be above but to be able on a regular basis to get what you need when you need it.

The big secret is to have your own Guys help you in whatever you need. We all have those that are with us, and they are there to help. So, you ask how do you do this? Easy! Just reach inside of yourself and let them know what is needed. Then, let it go! Just release that thought outward and watch what happens.

Word of warning, it does take practice. Usually when you need help it is a constant plea. Constantly thinking and wondering what you’re going to do. You must learn to just ask and let it go. It’s like turning it loose on the Universe.

The first step is to realize that they are there. To acknowledge that you know of their presence, and you want them to be a part of your life. Knowledge is key! Your own personal Guys will not come forward until you give them permission. The life I have with my Guys is like having best friends always having my back.

Second step is wait. Just wait. Here’s a for instance on something that happened recently for me. I wear glasses and because I have been beating on a computer for many years, they are tri focal. Plus, I’m night blind and have extremely light green eyes so sunlight does a number on me.

Needless to say, my glasses are expensive. So, this is what I did. Meditated a little to get my mind in focus and just asked if there was any way I could receive the money for new glasses. No rush, but it has been years since I have gotten my eyes checked and it would be appreciated if this could be handled. Then just turned it loose to the Universe

Now in the time of about 2 weeks there was this envelope in the mail from my health insurance company. Opened it up and inside was a letter explaining that since I had not used any excessive insurance needs here is a rebate of $523.00! Let me spell this out for you. Five Hundred Twenty-Three Dollars!! First words out of my mouth were “Thanks Guys!”

So, start practicing getting to know the ones around you in the non-physical. They are there to help. Let yourself open up and get to know them in a personal way. As the old saying goes, “Can’t hurt, my help!”

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