November 21, 2021

The new Dating Trend: Megan Fox, Heidi Klum & the Kardashians falling in Love with Punks.


What’s behind the trend of celebrities dating punks like Pete Davidson, Travis Barker, and Machine Gun Kelly?

I remember watching “Sex and the City” as a young man. After hearing that this show was about the real desires of women, I had to watch it. Today, I am not sure if that show was on point, but let’s assume it was.

Back then, I was asking myself, “Why do these intelligent and beautiful women date the most horrible guys I could think of?”

Let’s not dive too deep into “Sex and the City,” but I would like to point out that no woman should be dating guys like “Mr. Big.” I never understood why an intelligent woman would voluntarily date a guy like that.

After the hype around this show, we saw a trend of celebrities falling in love with the man-bun type of dude. Russell Brand was probably one of the textbook examples of that trend. Not sure if it was during the ongoing pandemic or already before that, but it seems that the time of the man bun dudes is over.

And now, we are entering the time of the alternative men—often referred to as punks—who start dating celebrities.

Machine Gun Kelly is dating Megan Fox, Travis Barker is dating Kourtney Kardashian, and, as we just found out, Pete Davidson is dating Kim Kardashian.

When I heard about Davidson dating Kardashian this weekend, I asked myself, “Are they all imitating Heidi Klum?”

I don’t know what started this trend, but it totally makes sense to me. First, celebrities were fed up with the cliché businessman character, then they tried the hippie man bun dudes, and now, they fall for the funny tattooed dudes who are no strangers to controversies.

Who knows if it’s the easy-going approach to life these dudes represent. Maybe it’s their ability to deal with public outrage as a way of living? Or it’s just that they are trying to explore something new.

Whatever it is that makes these beautiful women date these dudes who couldn’t care less about fitting in—I like that trend.

Pete Davidson, Travis Barker, and Machine Gun Kelly represent a generation of men who don’t care about rules, traditions, and peer-group pressure. Maybe they are the antidote to a culture that is overly focused on perfection?

And who knows, maybe these dudes are exactly what we need to overcome mental health problems caused by our longing for perfection?

Or—and that might be the best explanation for this phenomenon—these dudes are just fun to hang out with?

Maybe it’s more fun to hang out with a talented musician or comedian than with a narcissistic rapper? Isn’t that one of the all-time top answers to the question of what makes you fall in love with a man? “He needs to make me laugh” is something many women would say to describe the man of their dreams.


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Maybe that’s the secret of these dudes?

Please let me know in the comments how you feel about this. What do you think makes these women fall in love with these punks?

And if you need proof that Davidson is an extremely funny and talented guy, check out the “Walking in Staten” track that aired on “Saturday Night Live” this weekend:




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