November 3, 2021

Time is all we Have.


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I recently came to the realization that time is all that we have.

Time is the foundation upon which life exists.

It is within time that we make our journey through life. It is within time that we watch our bodies grow and feel our minds expand. It is within time that great things are achieved—one step, one day at a time. It is through time that we experience relationships, family, jobs, careers, businesses, successes, progress. It is through time that we get to know ourselves. And it is through time that we get to experience the magic of what it is like to be alive.

If you have time, everything else can rise up from that. Your entire life could fall apart, and you could be standing there in the ashes. But, if you have time, then the game isn’t over. The sun hasn’t set yet. If you have a few moments, then everything can change…a life-changing moment can occur.

If you have time, then you can discover your purpose.

If you have time, then you can find your soul mate.

If you have time, then you can start a movement.

If you have time, then you can build a career.

If you have time, you can feel love and be loved.

If you have time, you can build financial wealth.

If you have time, you can go after your dream.

If you have time, you can serve the world.

If you have time, you can be with your family.

If you have time, you can heal your body.

So—invest yourself and your days into what will prolong your life. If you care about yourself and life itself, you will do this. You will also do this for the people around you…for the gifts you’ve been given. To have just one extra moment to love the world the way you do, to be brilliant.

And now, to work out what those things are for you, here are some of what I believe prolongs life:

>> An open heart

>> A clear mind

>> A body in a state of wellness

>> Inspiration

>> Love

>> Gratitude

>> Presence amongst all that has been and will be

>> Vision

What can you do today to prolong the number of todays that you will have? How will you play with your today? How will you use it? Hold it in your hands, love it with your heart, embrace it with your arms, and live it?

Do what you can with what you have—because this is the only now you will ever know.


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Emily Gowor  |  Contribution: 1,915

author: Emily Gowor

Image: kissenillustrated/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson