November 1, 2021

What Does your “Story” Say about You?

It takes a great and deeper understanding of self to know that within this life lives the story of your life, your script, which lays out your wants, needs, desires, and cravings or lack thereof.

The cool part is, it’s your story to figure out. No else else can write your story, only you.

There is no right or wrong when it comes to your personal story; it’s all about what you want and maybe even need to experience in this lifetime.

Your story is made up of your own personal experiences and without those experiences—good, bad, or indifferent—you wouldn’t be where you are, and you wouldn’t be who you are.

Some of our hardest and most painful lessons are our greatest and most valuable lessons because they have molded us into who we have become. These experiences are the ones we needed to have to be able to write our story.

Our story defines us.

For those who can’t conceptualize how we are the writer of our own story, first let me explain what a story actually is.

A “story” is anything that we communicate to ourselves in our own heads, or out loud to others about ourselves, our lives, our experiences, and of course our lessons.

Our stories are what we share when we need advice or a shoulder to cry on. We tell our stories with emotion, conviction, and truth.

Sometimes, we are consumed by our story and will tell it to anyone who will listen.

As humans, stories are how we create and communicate context, understanding, outcome, and relevance between random or even expected events and details. While the word “story” might make you think of love stories and hero movies, your story isn’t fiction—it’s reality.

How did you handle that meeting with your boss today?

Your answer is part of your story and the description is your understanding of the events that took place. It’s how you tell your story that matters.

When you spend time reflecting upon the story that you have been living lately—or, your “present story”—you begin to really understand and connect with yourself on how you have been feeling on a deep level.

So, answer the following for me, please:

1. What story are you living?
2. What story are you telling?
3. How would you describe your “present story?”
4. How about you future story, what does that look like?

Spend some time writing about your stories as listed above. Be honest, do your stories reflect connection, love, depth, excitement, truth, and satisfaction? Or do they include drama, dysfunction, complaining, and unhappiness?

Now analyze:

>> Is your current story the one that you want to be living right now?

>> If not, how can you change the story by reinterpreting events, shifting perspective, and changing your mindset?

>> What new story can you tell that will represent the positive in your life?

The best part of this exercise is understanding you are in control of your own story. If you find your story is not the one you wish to tell, switch it, shift it, change it, retell it in a way that reflects the way you want your story heard.

Remember, it’s your story and it is yours to rewrite!


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author: Avesha Parker

Image: Alex Perez/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson