November 6, 2021

Why you Need to Let Go of who you are to Become who you are Meant to Be.


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Who are you?

When you’re not running after others’ desires?


When you’re not lamenting over what could be?

Who are you?

When the world breaks your spirit over & over again

and you fall to the ground

Wondering if you’ll ever be able to get back up again?

Who are you?

When you’re not hiding under your veil of perfectionism or the one that says you’re nothing

Who are you?

When you’ve lost everything that you ever held onto

Nothing to hold onto…

Nothing to attach yourself to

When everything that you’ve ever believed about yourself comes shattering to the floor

Who are you?

When stripped off of your relationships?

Who are you

When it’s only you?


To truly become who we are, we have to let go of everything we ever were. The process of truly “becoming” is actually about “unbecoming” everything that we have always been and that’s scary.

It requires us to take a leap of faith—without attachments, without anything to hold onto.

It demands that slowly, we begin to shed the very protective layers that have helped us to survive—because safety isn’t fulfilling anymore.

Growth is not additive. It’s subtractive. For us to grow, we need to take off our veils of protection and safety, comfort and convenience, perfectionism and lack, and embrace those parts of us that we have shunned from awareness—that we’ve buried into the crevices of our minds.


To become is to shed, let go, remove, unchain, and unbecome.

To become is to come face-to-face with our shadow—the parts of us that we are too busy rejecting. 

To become is to look at our relationships with utmost honesty.

To become is to let go of beliefs and ideas that keep us chained to where we are.

To become is to step out of the known and into the unknown.

For when we have nothing to hold onto, no person, place, or situation to define us, we’re only left with one thing—our being.

Our being, which has the infinite potential and capacity to create and shine its own light.

Our being, which knows how to experience the richness and fullness of every emotion.

Our being, which relishes each and every breath that it takes—no questions asked, no judgement given.

Our being, which innately and instinctively knows what it wants and is forever ready to take the leap of faith into this infiniteness called life.

And until we “become,” we will always be shadows of who we could be.


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Damini Grover  |  Contribution: 112,945

author: Damini Grover

Image: muhammedsalah_/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson