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November 10, 2021

Will you accept my challenge?? and take action

You might think I’m. Stupid or being an ass but I’m gonna say this when the fuck is are country gonna pay attention to those of us with mental illness and mental health issues when are we gonna actually see a difference in our for saken world that congress and the house will actually do something about mental illness and mental health maybe we really need to stand up and say something and cause we are being ignored no matter how you see it or they portray us in the world yes we are a community of people who are suffering from mental illness and mental. Health issues I know this if your reading my damn blog you want to do something and speak up for those with mental illness and mental health issues I’m here and I’m waiting and fighting for you just don’t wait until someone you love take his or her life cause they are suffering from mental illness or mental health I’m chanllemge all to stand up and fight for those you love don’t let there story’s die or let them remain silent you have the duty to fight for them and speak up for them will you do my challenge so guess what challenge accepted by me my name is Ashley Gandy I have a mental illness and I’m fighting for you and I will not stop no matter what if it’s on a blog or on Twitter or on Instagram I’m. Here and you are not forgotten so will challenge the delegates in the house and Senate or will you get on Twitter and accept my challenge that way if so go for it thank you for following me and supporting me love ashleygandy5❤

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