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November 10, 2021

Will you do your part

When you see yourself and what you been through what makes you think that u can’t change the world and have the world look through your eyes and you be there voice for me writing my blog I finally realized what I’m suppose to do and be be the voice for those with mental. Health issues and mental illness and for me finding my voice when writing my blog and my journey with mental illness I realized that I’m. Not alone and that I’m using my blog to spread awareness and sending love back to you and to the world and maybe to say I love you and I’m not gonna stop being your voice for mental illness and mental health issues cause I’m being me and who I am and I’m also letting u know that I don’t give a crap it’s time for the world to listen to us and it’s time for Congress to pay attention those who are battling mental health issues and mental illness just remember you have to be the change you want to see in the world and you have be the one who challenges those who you want to listen to us and maybe the world but we all have to do are part so will. You do your part

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