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November 10, 2021

You decide ❤

Where does one decide to tell you that you are alone with mental health and mental illness? You’re not alone. Battling mental health. Why does everyone think that? Cause. They are also suffering or someone in their family is suffering from mental illness or mental health issues u will never know unless they show signs of mental health issues but you have to listen to their story and let them be brave and have the courage to tell you there story. When I wrote this blog I didn’t think nobody would listen or pay attention to it but I found the courage to tell my story and who I am. And what I’ve been through in my life. So here’s my challenge to you. I challenge you to read my blog and here my story and I dare you too. Ask me questions that only have to do with my blog.

You can comment below and I will answer. The best I can. But km honored you will ask. Any disrespect towards. Me your comment will be removed thank you.

You can contact me at ashleygandy5 on twitter and Instagram. Or email me [email protected]. Or [email protected] love Ashley

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