December 17, 2021

If This is the Future of Dating, the Human Race is F*cked.

Early in 2018, while cautiously considering dating again after my divorce, I watched a short film called, “A Date in 2025.”

Relationship and dating expert, Matthew Hussey had shared it on YouTube, and as I watched it I felt uncomfortable for many reasons. I feared for my sons’ future well-being, and I found the prospect of moving to a more virtual way of living, scary.

Such a reliance on artificial intelligence is something I fear, and the move away from what is natural for us at a basic human level worries me.

What I now find more frightening, is that thanks to COVID-19, many people have lived a life closer to that which is portrayed—isolated, lonely, attending study classes online, and not mixing with other humans in real life.

If Mark Zuckerberg has his way, we’ll be living our lives virtually in his metaverse without ever leaving our homes. This reminds me of the original “Matrix” film—a concept that gives me nightmares. I need to be able to experience life through all of my senses—taste, touch, and feeling, as well as sound and sight.

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it should be the value of real-life human interaction and connection.

Studies have even shown that, “low levels of social connection are associated with declines in physical and psychological health as well as a higher likelihood for antisocial behavior that leads to further isolation.”

This makes sense to me. Every relationship we have with another person, from birth, teaches us important lessons in human interaction. If we do not learn and practice social skills from being young, or we forget them in early adulthood as we shut ourselves away from the world, how will we be able to have a healthy relationship with a romantic partner?

While the date in the film may be too soon, the move toward such a lifestyle could have a catastrophic effect on the human race. It is a thought-provoking watch though, and if it helps us consciously prevent a move toward a more virtual way of living, then that’s a good thing.

I truly hope that this is not the future of dating (adult content ahead):

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author: Amy Vanheste

Image: DUST/YouTube