December 15, 2021

Just because you’ve Seen my Naked Skin, Doesn’t mean you Know Me.


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So many people think they know me and truly see me by viewing my naked skin on social media or in my art.

So many people think that seeing someone and knowing someone is by seeing them with their clothes off. But I ask you this: can you tell me about their dreams, their heartbreaks, their overcomings, their traumas, their passions, their loves, what turns them on and brings them joy?

Can you tell me about their childhood or, better yet, tell me about a memory of theirs you do not even exist in?

You may have seen their skin and my skin and some may have even touched our bodies. But you still know as much about us as a book you once found, but never got around to opening and reading.

What we forget is that we humans are art and we do not need to understand each other to hold compassion, respect, and love. What we forget is that we do not know someone by seeing them naked in the skin they were born in and we are not built to validate others’ opinions.

We need to accept people for the beautiful ambiguity that they are. In a world where so many turn their pain onto others, turn your pain into art—the brushstrokes of your life, the movements, the love, and the masterpiece of who you are.

Be art with heart in a world with metaphoric humans.


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Rhyanna Watson  |  Contribution: 28,540

author: Rhyanna Watson

Image: Author's own

Editor: Juliana Otis