December 8, 2021

On Social Media, Numbers are Dropping—Here’s the Problem with That.


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When I first came to Instagram, I had no idea what I was doing—I nervously posted a photo of a rainbow.

Then I discovered yoga. I found that I could learn skills online that I had been dreaming of learning, but could not afford to learn in person.

I also journaled my thoughts that I had no space to share in person. It allowed me to express myself and connect to like-minded souls. My vulnerability gave me light in knowing I wasn’t alone in my darkness.

The online world connected me with people I would never have met, and helped me bring awareness to myself.

Thanks to being here, I am now a yoga teacher, and I have published a book.

So many are challenged by the interaction rate dropping and their posts not being seen of late. I’ve noticed it too. However, all I think is how lucky I am to have had these experiences.

It was not a number that gave me them either. It was my continued willingness to heal, authentically share, and connect, but not as a number, as someone who cares—just like in real life.

When I first started, the #ResolutionHandstand2021 challenge was a game-changer. With @leighyogipilot@beahappyamy, and @susanbishopyoga, I learned handstands and met beautiful souls. Three more souls also inspired me from the beginning with various challenges: @supermomtraci, @natashawinter, and @meredithmovesyou.

I just want to remind everyone that social media and the numbers dropping isn’t the problem—the way we focus on the numbers instead of the other beautiful gifts we have is the problem.

No number can do these things justice. These gifts—like friends, learning a new skill, healing, networking, and growing—are free and priceless. When you sink into that, you begin to see again how lucky we are for this online world.

We are so much more than a number.

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Rhyanna Watson  |  Contribution: 28,540

author: Rhyanna Watson

Image: Author's Own/Instagram

Editor: Amy Vanheste