4.2 Editor's Pick
December 23, 2021

Could 3 Wishes Save the World? {Poem}

The Third Wish.


‘Twas a crazy Christmas morning, when I found beneath the tree,

Amongst other, now unwrapped gifts, one labelled up for me.

Its foil wrap looked quite mystical, like three wise men had brought it.

Perhaps they had (well, no one else confessed to having bought it)!


The wrapping up was “below par.” It looked all rough and lumpy.

It wasn’t socks. A bottle? No! More…teapot shaped and bumpy.

I peeled a little paper back and saw a glint of gold.

Excited then, I ripped to find a lamp, ornate and old.


Its curves were sleek and elegant, its handle half a heart.

A tiny cup sat on its spout, chain and lid both works of art.

I rubbed its side a little bit, enough to make it shine.

And then I noticed from its spout there hung a little sign.


“Use your three wishes carefully,” read the slanted golden script.

Then smoke and magic filled the room and the lights flared up then dipped.

A genie became visible amidst fast fading smoke.

And in a voice all deep and bold, she looked in my eyes and spoke:


“I am the genie of this lamp, three wishes I gift to you.

But please take care in choosing them, for my wishes all come true.”

I thought of what a mess we’re in; the pandemic’s darkening cloud.

And thinking I was oh so bright, voiced out my first wish loud:


“Please make all Covid disappear.”

“Done. Gone now, without a trace!

A foolish wish, that was, I fear.”

The genie screwed her face.


“New viruses will come,” she said, “I know that sounds alarming.

But if you want to slow their spread, you must first stop global warming.”

“Then please make global warming stop,” I said for wish number two.

“If that’s the way to save the world, then that’s what we must do.”


“It’s stopped,” she cried, then rubbed her eyes, “But the damage won’t abate.

You should have stopped it long ago. It’s already far too late.”

The genie stood there tall and strong, with a sad but knowing smile.

I knew that I had got it wrong, so I pondered for a while.


“If you were me and had one wish, what would your one wish be?”

“I’d wish that others trapped in lamps could from right now be free!

But if what you’re really asking’s how to make this darkness bright,

Your focus is far too distant. It starts with your inner light.


Instead of pointing the finger, saying something else’s to blame,

Let the warmth inside you linger, then pass on that kindled flame.”

I looked again at the genie. This time I could clearly see,

The road to making things better, must start with a step from me.


“I wish to free all trapped genies! Magic binding you now end!”

The genie smiled and took my hand, “You’ve just made a loyal friend.

Genies are bound to grant wishes. Kind yes; yet for us quite tragic.

But a wish that’s freely granted, that’s a far more powerful magic!”


Then smoke and magic filled the room and the lights flared up then dipped.

The genie laughed and danced with joy, as her binds were torn and ripped.

“I’m free,” she cried, “and so are you! Free to be the change you choose.

Don’t dwell upon external things. Go make your own good news!”


She danced her way into the street like a newly unfurled kite.

My oil lamp might be empty now, but I’d made my own bright light.

I put my gift in pride of place, a reminder of how to live.

It’s good to get, but far better yet, is a gift we freely give.

save the world

Merry Christmas 2021 to you all and to all a bright light!


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Debbie L Nuttall  |  Contribution: 245

author: Debbie Nuttall

Image: jessicahtam/Flickr

Image: Author's own

Editor: Amy Vanheste