We spend our time reliving the emotions, because we kept on recycling them through our lives, instead of upcycling them, and that’s the biggest mistake.
Recycling your emotions: is a process that requires processes to break down the original emotions, and transform them into new emotions ready to be lived all over again. And the emotions are: joy, fear, sadness, disgust and anger.
What about trying the upcycle process?
Upcycle also known as creative reuse, can turn our unwanted emotions into new emotions of artistic value. Imagine sadness of a break up turned into a beautiful poem, anger let you find the true meaning of peaceful mind and writing a novel about it, and fear of failure becoming the way to building the person you are today: those are some examples…Always remember to upcycle instead of recycle, because you deserve to live with new positive emotions, instead of reliving them all over again!
Chantale.C.Hajj Assaf
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