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December 6, 2021

Why is philosophy important in Yoga?

Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.

Yoga for a long has been an integral part of physical health and has been in practice for ages. Its popularity has been increasing and has reached its peak in today’s world as the entire world is starting to understand its importance. However, philosophy has been a crucial part of Yoga that provides a blueprint to follow a happy and prosperous life. It gives us peace that helps our emotions transform into deep and long-lasting contentment and satisfaction. Importance for Yoga philosophy for long has been in rounds for creating harmony inn physical and mental aspect of our health, health that can help maintain the vibrance of our bodies. It does not only help us manifest the peace of our minds but also around the world around us.

There are different traditions involved in Yoga and each person is entitled to his particular choice to practice different physical poses and breathing techniques that help us become a better person such that we reflect positivity and optimism. We practice yoga in order o inhabit a refined personality that is loaded with positive traits and characteristics. We want to achieve peace that can help us keep our calm in dangerous situations and that is why yoga practitioners practice yoga philosophy that is like the rulebook of Yoga that can help guide them from wrong to right.

The main philosophy of yoga is less complicated and easy to practice that can help unite our mind, body, and spirit. They help you explore deeper dimensions of your mind and spirit. Yoga philosophy practice is similar o the practice of Buddhism which stresses the fact that spiritual ignorance can create suffering and bind us to the cycle of rebirth which is the greatest punishment of all. You must adopt spirituality to escape rebirth and embrace liberation and nirvana.

Indian philosophies are based on various limbs like Nyaya, Vasiseshika, Sankhya, Yoga Mimamsa, and Vedanta.These are the main six Darshanas or philosophies of Yoga that help you attain the real meaning of life.Each philosophy has a different meaning and imparts Knowledge at different levels. Sages of the highest order have devoted their lives to the philosophies of Yoga and its limbs.  These six philosophies are also known as the Darshanas.


Sage Gautama is the brainchild of the Nyaya School. This includes a dividend of various philosophical inquiries that indicates rules. There are mainly four methods of knowledge

  • Pratyakasha (intuition)
  • Anumana(inference)
  • Upasana (comparison)
  • Shabda(verbalassurance)


A very profound sage called Kanada Kashyap had founded this Darshana which had its independent teachings and a unique learning opportunity. It populated the teachings of atomism where it was believed that an atom is the smallest part of any substance and any substance can be reduced to its smallest form, atom.


This teaching school was founded by the famous sage called Kapila. It believes that three types of knowledge are acceptable, perception, inference, and testimony. This philosophy was dualist that believed that there are two realities in nature, one is purusa or the power of conscience, and Prakriti or matter. This particular school does not assert the presence of God. Rather, it believes that Vedas is a reliable source for knowledge and depth


Yoga, a popular physical activity, being practiced worldwide was originally founded by the Yogic sage, Patanjali. It shares similar teachings like Samkhya school where the universe has been conceptualized to compose of two realities, Purusa(Power of consciousness) and Prakriti (mind , cognition, and matter)


The term means reflection and is responsible for imparting interpretation and understanding to the Vedas and other Hindu scriptures. It even provides a philosophical justification for the interpretation and observation of Vedic rituals.


This school mainly concentrates on the philosophical teachings found in the Upanishads that revolves around spiritual contemplation rather than focusing on Brahmanas that concentrate on rituals and sacrifices

A piece of brief and short information has been provided above on why philosophy is an integral part of Yoga. Various schools of philosophies have been discussed too that show the essence of Yoga philosophy and why it must be followed as blueprints. All the teachings mentioned in these philosophies work towards attaining liberation and enlightenment. They work towards sculpting a better version of yourself when you try to understand the greater meanings of life.

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