January 14, 2022

Boris Johnson Epitomizes Hypocrisy with COVID BYOB.

I’m sure we’re all sick and tired of hearing about useless political leaders who do nothing but damage to their countries and the people.

But Boris Johnson has just pushed it to another level.

A bit of background for those who do not live in the United Kingdom (though I’m sure he’s made us the laughing stock for the rest of the world media—and rightly so!)

On the 20th of May 2020, Britain was under its first national lockdown due to Covid-19 (just as many other countries were.) The UK had already been in lockdown for 58 days. On this exact same day—20th May, Boris Johnson and around 40 other members of his Tory party decided to have a party in the back garden of Number 10 Downing Street, the Prime Minister’s home. Emails have been leaked where Johnson’s private secretary Martin Reynolds invited over 100 members of the government to “make the most of the lovely weather” and to “bring your own booze.”

The lockdown rules were clear. But the rules were apparently only for some—the general public. Not for the government.

Today when questioned in British Parliament during “Prime Minister’s Question Time,” Boris admitted he attended the party but insisted that No. 10’s backyard was “an extension of the office,” and that when he went into the garden on this particular evening “to thank staff”; he “believed implicitly that this was a work event.”

Opposition leader Keir Starmer has described Boris’ excuse as “so ridiculous that it is offensive to the British public.”

My question is—why hasn’t Boris resigned yet? What more does he need to do to pack his bags? What other truths need to be uncovered for him to make his move. Does he really need to be physically dragged out of office? Because I am sure many would be happy to do this.

This gathering was illegal.

People were dying in hospital unable to say goodbye to their loved ones when Boris and his mates were having a lovely glass of wine in the sun. Nurses were isolating, some unable to see their kids and parents for months, out of fear of spreading the virus to them. Not to mention the endless hours they put in days and nights in intensive care units—and the PTSD many of them are experiencing up till today. Everyone else was making a sacrifice, staying at home for the good of others, but these Eton boys and girls were having a jolly laugh and chat without a care in the world.

The British public is sick and tired of being lied to. The British public is tired of being played for fools.

Here are just some of the tweets toward/about Boris I found on Twitter.

Some are less funny than others:







For those who voted for Boris, this is on you.

For Boris himself—shame on you. I cannot put my disgust into words.

It’s time for you to go.


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author: Nicole Baptista

Image: Twitter

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra