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January 3, 2022

Craving Connection-The New Reality

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Pexels.

We find ourselves in 2022 in a whole new world.

Exciting? Maybe. Scary? Perhaps. But the real question is, together or alone?

The age of social media; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all the rest, can leave us feeling less connected and more inadequate and confused. Or it can connect you to your tribe- be validating, be a way to tell your story to the world.

The internet has become a blessing and a curse. It brings to the forefront one of the most basic of human desires, connection. We are tribal and communal by nature. We tend to do better, live longer and happier lives when surrounded by others.

For human beings when travel and transportation became more available to the masses (think trains and automobiles), we began to drift apart from our families and communities. 50 years ago, when you were longing for connection to your childhood friends or distant family members, you might try to find their phone numbers and give them a phone call. You may have written a letter, gone to the post office and mailed it. Staying connected was hard.

Now, we look them up on Facebook -share pictures, thoughts, moments of our lives in an instant. Sure, we can still call them. But now we can talk with them AND see them at the same time, with facetime and Zoom and other apps.

The problem with all this wonderful technology, is that we get to see and know EVERYTHING. Honestly, the human brain is not designed for all that. We see the positive; the uplifting, the inspiring. We also get a big dose of the negative; the problems, the everyday struggles- which can seem overly magnified by the mind.

The digital age is here to stay, grow and evolve. I admit, for some people this is a frightening thought. But much like when the automobile was developed, there were those who couldn’t understand the need for it. After all, horses were simpler to operate, and seemed far safer. The automobile came anyway!

How do we use the internet and social media to benefit and improve our lives? Like an automobile, it is a tool. You drive your car in a reasonable manner…drive and use the internet the same way. Just as, you wouldn’t drive a car 24 hours a day, don’t use the internet 24 hours a day, either.

The internet can create connection, one of the most important human needs.

The sensible plan to benefit from the progress of our time, is to put some “rules of the road” in place for its use.

1.If you use technology for business and personal life- create a compartment for each. When at work, do not socialize. When you are connecting for your personal life- friends and family – do not mix in work projects.

2.Set a specific amount of time, which you will use the internet for your social life, family and friends. Setting time limits, forces you to communicate effectively- connecting and not browsing around where you might stumble on negative influences and time wasters. Your time is more valuable than money- don’t waste it!

3.Find positive, uplifting groups to join, or groups that share your hobbies and interests. The best ones are apolitical, and help you improve or learn something new and fun. If your new group, fuels fear or anger in you- leave! Life is too short to spend time making yourself miserable. What’s one new thing you’ve always wanted to do? Find the tribe that does that!

4.Connect with yourself daily- through prayer or meditation. Know your heart and mind, so that you will be more available to connect with people in your life. Being grounded in your own values and direction in life makes you more able to share and being a positive influence for others.

We all crave connection. We all have the desire to be accepted and belong. You can use the digital future, in a way that adds to your life. Create connections that honor your heart and mind.

Stay Happy Friends!


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