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January 15, 2022

Cultivating Joy in the Everyday

Just as the days get longer and the sun stronger, our sorrows move away and joy fills our lives again. That is if we cultivate joy in our lives. I believe that our lives outside our mats are the most important practice of yoga. How well do you know yourself? What makes you happy? What really causes your suffering? Do you know the actual reason for your irritability? How well are your relationships to your loved ones and do you appreciate your community? Do you have a community?

These are some of the most essential questions for our sense of contentment.

When you struggle with finding joy, feed your mind, challenge it. Go learn something new. Feed your senses, with music, with food, with company. Choose company that feeds into the cycle of positivity. Find physical and emotional connection. Part of the path of yoga is Bhoga enjoyment, which helps create a healthy body and mind.

Today I’m joyous because I went to see the world and came back. Because I have a warm home and nutritious food, because there is love in my life, because I made healthy choices to keep my main house – the body in good condition. Because I sat down to chant and meditate. And took a nap. Because I waited until the afternoon to have a coffee and treated myself to a chocolate. Because I took care of my home and family. Because I see value in the work that I do. Because my heart loves and I’m able to move on from bad times without holding crutches. Because I live my truth and love myself.

Joy is a part of balanced, sattvic life and being able to find it during challenging times, helps us get through. Helps us find connection to ourselves and brings us back into harmony with the surrounding world. Having joy as part of life, makes us better people. Too much rigidity is unhealthy.

One good choice creates breeding ground for another one. When struggling, make one good choice at a time to take you towards what you aspire. Cultivate joy in your daily life by making room for it. Find joy from the small things. Creating healthy relationships with it. I often make plans but ask myself: “How attached am I for this to happen?” Striking the balance of ease and effort can be challenging. Apply awareness. If you feel anxious, deprived of energy or tired for now reason add joy to your life.

Sat nam.

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