January 18, 2022

Dear Conservatives, Liberals, & Moderates who shared an MLK quote yesterday.

Here’s a to-do to truly honor Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy, or all of us.

Just about every conservative that voted no against the voting rights bill posted something about MLK yesterday…⁠

MLK: “a man who specifically called out the minority filibuster being used as a tool to restrict the votes of people of color and minorities.”⁠

If we tweeted/RTd/posted/shared MLK quotes yesterday, let us do this today. Quotes without action is just performative.⁠

Please heed this message and call your Senators (Dems & Repubs) on 01/18 & 01/19 at (202) 224-3121. Urge them to support the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act! Urge them to support filibuster reform. #TheFierceUrgencyOfNow … #MLKDay ⁠
@civilrightsorg ~ Wade Henderson.⁠

Liberals and moderates…⁠

…if all we’re doing is sharing quotes while GOP not only votes against protecting voting rights, but actively gerrymanders & seeks to give the boot to nonpartisan election officials…⁠

…we ain’t off the hook, either.

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