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January 25, 2022

How to protect yourself as a healthcare professional

The most recent surges and new strains of the Coronavirus indicate that the pandemic is still in full effect. Hospitalization continues to rise and various segments of the population are impacted in seemingly random ways. The elderly and the very young are still the most vulnerable, but even otherwise healthy adults are experiencing long hospital stays due to the virus. Healthcare professionals must remain diligent in their efforts to protect themselves.

Personal Protective Equipment

Obviously, the first line of defense for healthcare workers is personal protective equipment (PPE). This safety precaution is certainly not new to those in the medical field, but their importance has been heightened by the pandemic.

Reinforced gloves, face masks or shields, and disposable gowns are the most common items used by hospital and home health workers. In cases of known infection, some professionals choose to double up by wearing two sets of gloves or two masks while working with actively infected patients.

Social Distancing Practices

Healthcare professionals also have lives outside the workplace. Like many other industry professionals, healthcare workers may find themselves more relaxed when they are not actively working. It is important to practice social distancing when running errands throughout the day.

Grocery stores, libraries, gas stations, and restaurants are common stopping points in a typical week. Each of these venues presents a risk of infection because they are high-traffic areas and it is not always possible to remain six feet apart. Be sure to wear your mask and gloves, if appropriate, when visiting locations where many people congregate. Home health workers who cannot maintain distance should encourage their patients to wear PPE.

Handwashing Techniques

The simplest way to ward off unwanted germs that can cause illness is through proper handwashing techniques. Healthcare workers have already mastered this, but regular handwashing is quickly becoming a best practice for the rest of the population. Warm, soapy water is essential. Gently scrub the palms, back of the hand, and in between fingers for at least twenty seconds. Pay attention to the nailbeds and underneath the fingernails if applicable. Wash hands between patients, after opening doors, after using the restroom, before touching food items, and regularly throughout the day. Exposed wrists and forearms should also be washed when appropriate.

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