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January 23, 2022

Is Sitting Cross-legged Good for You?

Photo by Vlada Karpovich on Pexels.

Sitting cross-legged may feel good at first, but it causes pain in the long run. This article will educate you on the cons of sitting crossed-legged and the best ways to avoid it.

Although sitting cross-legged feels comfortable at first, it is quite dangerous in the long run. The reason that it puts your overall body weight on your legs is that it causes further pain in different parts of your body. Ignorant of the best sitting posture, office workers face deteriorating body pain by sitting cross-legged. Adjusting your sitting posture and furniture is crucial to avoid damage that can build over time and lead to costly procedures later. Keep reading to learn about the consequences of sitting cross-legged and the best ergonomic chairs to avoid pain.

Sitting Crossed-Legged puts the weight of the overall body on your hips and legs. As a result, it wears away at connective tissues and cartilage that lubricates your joints, leading to even further pain.

Moreover, as you sit cross-legged, there are chances that you tend to have rapid movements. As a result, it pressurizes your lower muscles and pushes your upper back downward. Twisting suddenly can pull on tense muscles and cause strains or tears, which can cause leg pain while sitting.

Besides that, as you work cross-legged in small and enclosed spaces, it can jam your leg movement, causing a twist in the cramped area, affecting your upper and lower joints and leading to pain while sitting for longer hours.

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