January 18, 2022

Our Worth placed in Another’s Hands will Never be Enough.


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Social media is my online journal, accountability platform, and tool for connecting with those walking with me.

I’ve always posted to share my journey because I feel connected to what I am sharing, proud of how I am evolving, or want to share what I learn and my personal growth.

It’s funny how on social media, we have to defend or justify who we are to people who have never walked in our shoes and never showed up for us.

At 37, I have developed a sense of self, and part of sharing here is about squashing the societal taboos that squashed me as a young girl, which I know will also squash my daughter if I am not mindful, don’t stand up for me, and be the change.

Aged eight, my daughter is questioning her value—because humans at this young age judge each other. It doesn’t matter what we do, our worth if placed in another’s hands will never be enough.

So here I am, training, showing up, and sharing my journey imperfectly—not because of anything more than I am proud of who I have become and the hard work I have done. This was not easy. I know how hard it is to achieve in a world with a zillion things that beg our time.

I see people choose to spend thousands of dollars on handbags, clothes, and eating out, but when it comes to healthy food and fitness they don’t drop a penny. Then, because they aren’t reaching their goals, they complain or judge others who do choose health.

We humans can spend up to 12 hours a day now on screens due to COVID-19, but so many of us say we don’t have enough time to meditate, be kind, train, or read. I believe our actions show who we are, and our priorities show what we choose and value.

If you are struggling to make a change for your health, happiness, relationships, career, or whatever you are working on, look where you are investing your time, energy, actions, thoughts, and attention. The more you give to the things you really want, the more you receive. You deserve to have your desires met, but you’ve gotta work for them, and you’ve gotta choose them.

If you’re worried about how hard it is to get started, or the costs, you should see the hardships and costs of staying just as you are.


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Rhyanna Watson  |  Contribution: 28,540

author: Rhyanna Watson

Image: Author's own/Instagram

Editor: Amy Vanheste