When you think the COVID pandemic is nearing its end, a new variant emerges and sends us all back to square one.
Finding a way back to normal has been especially challenging for churches. That’s because houses of worship are where people gather, congregate, sing, pray – all while sharing the air in a closed space.
Well, have faith. This, too, shall pass.
As we move into the post-Covid era, churches should be considering several factors. Let’s look at some top issues and post-Covid trends for 2022.
Online Giving
The Sunday collection became highly problematic, with churches empty during the worst of times. Even though millions of churchgoers attended virtually via an online link, giving dropped dramatically. That is simply because things are different. Thus, church leaders need to set up easy-to-use online giving portals that parishioners can use quickly and seamlessly to make their regular donations.
Consult with a specialist – and look into fintech applications – that make giving via smartphone apps or home computers a snap. Educate parishioners on how to give safely, securely, and easily online.
Building effective online giving portals will be a significant post-Covid trend for churches.
Live Streaming
Believe it or not, the live streaming of church services was already growing rapidly before COVID. Now entering the second year of the pandemic, live streaming church services is one of the hottest trends for faith-based communities. This is not a trend that will end even after pre-pandemic normalcy returns. Once people get used to something, they tend to keep doing – and want to keep doing it.
Responsive Web Design
This is defined as web design to make pages render fast and well on various devices. It ensures that all manner of window and screen sizes display in a way that ensures satisfaction and usability.
In the COVID age, there was a steep rise in the number of church websites to better connect with members. Again, many people may visit a church via a mobile device, while others will use a desktop or laptop computer. This means that church administrators should test their sites to make sure they are responsive to optimum effect across all devices.
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