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January 9, 2022

The Health Risks of Sitting At a Desk All Day

Photo by Edward Jenner on Pexels.

A desk job means spending hours and hours sitting at a desk in front of a screen that can lead to adverse health issues. Your well-being needs to be your number one priority. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the health risks of sitting at a desk all day. If this sounds like your job, you may want to see what you can do to minimize these risks.

1. Vascular issues

Sitting for long periods of time can lead to blood piling up in the lower areas of your body. In the worst case scenario, this can lead to blood clots. Most people that sit in front of a desk all day long tend to complain about aching limbs. This is because a person’s legs eventually swell up from sitting for so long, and this can become a major issue if a person consistently sits for long periods of time. There are many more issues that arise from prolonged sitting. It may be a good idea to stand up to stretch, or take a small walk every once in a while.

2. Spinal issues and back pain

Sitting for long periods of time can lead to a lot of spinal issues, and a lot of abdominal pain. Your muscles are constantly in an uncomfortable position, which can lead to muscle fatigue. Sitting for long periods of time also takes a toll on your shoulders and neck. Most people move their necks forward when they sit, and this can cause pain and discomfort. In more extreme cases, this can lead to weakened bones.  It’s important to not get carried away with work and remember to get up every once in a while. When you’re 60, your back and your bones will probably thank you for it.

3. Lack of blood flow

Since you’re in a sedentary position that does not allow for movement, blood circulation slows down. This can cause many issues, such as cramps. The reduced supply of blood which carries nutrients that fuel our muscles also means muscle fatigue comes in much quicker. This is why investing in a standing desk may be a great idea. It helps keep you active, and allows for better blood flow. This can avoid swelling, cramps, and in the worst case scenario, blood clots. It’s also great for your bones, overall.

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