Workplace wellness challenges aren’t new. In fact, most people from the newer generation are demanding employee wellbeing benefits as part of their jobs. After all, we can’t do well at our jobs if we aren’t mentally and physically well.
While there are tons of ways of contributing to employee wellbeing at the workplace, the following workplace wellness challenges are worth considering.
1. Fitness challenges
Research has demonstrated multiple times how physical activity is beneficial for our physical and mental wellbeing. Thus, a fitness challenge can be a good way of improving the mood at the office. Here are some ideas to consider:
Walking challenges
Workout programs at work, like meditative yoga sessions once in a while
Online group workouts
Before engaging in fitness challenges, make sure that each participant is in good shape to do certain exercises. You may require individual health screenings.
2. Mindfulness challenges
As mentioned in the introduction, mental wellbeing has become one of the crucial priorities in today’s world. Thus, employers should look out for burnout or stress signs. There are different ways of promoting mental health wellbeing at the workplace, such as meditation seminars.
While giving a “prize” for these challenges can be challenging, you can get creative and reward, for instance, consistent participation.
3. Financial wellness
Many people struggle with financial problems, and it can affect their health and productivity. These challenges can be useful for everyone, regardless of their age. You can use educational tools, webinars and reward those that show certain advancements.
4. Sustainability challenges
Another good way of contributing to the team’s wellness is with sustainability challenges. Some challenges you can choose can be taking care of the company’s garden, for instance. Engaging in sustainable activities is also a good way to promote employee wellbeing and camaraderie.
5. Nutrition challenges
The way we eat affects our daily performance. It contributes to how we feel mentally and physically. Thus, encouraging healthy eating behaviors with nutrition challenges can be a great way of ensuring each employee is feeling well.
6. Sleep challenges
Sleep is a diverse topic. When we’re stressed, our sleep pattern suffers the consequences. You can implement a sleep challenge that requires each participant to note how many hours they’ve slept.
7. Emotional and Personal Growth
Here you can play with multiple factors. You can start by promoting gratitude at the workplace or encouraging volunteering, for instance.
8. Water drinking challenges
It sounds strange, but many people don’t drink enough water throughout the day. A water drinking challenge can help you make sure that each employee is appropriately hydrated.
9. Book reading challenges
Reading doesn’t have to be a solo activity. You can select a determined book via a survey, for instance, then set a deadline and host a book club discussion once everyone has finished reading it.
10. Let your employees pick the challenge
Employees should decide if they want to be part of the challenges or not. You can also do surveys with some ideas to take into account what ideas are more viable than others.
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